Sem International School in Walbourg

School based on the Gospel and an educational project in a shared commitment

Located in Northern Alsace, the Sem’ Episcopal College of Walbourg is a Catholic educational institution.

In the green setting of a 15-hectare park, it welcomes students, boys and girls, in boarding schools, day schools and half-board, from CM1 to Terminale.


SEM is also an International School with the possibility of carrying out an Dual Diploma for students aged 16 to 19!

Discover the Sem International School

So French Progam

Living Abroad

Dual Diploma

The spirit of success

The education we share with our students, their parents, our teachers and educators is to succeed in life!

This success is based on knowledge, but also on the “savoir-être” which consists in opening up to the world and to others, to better become oneself.

This spirit of success requires everyone to subscribe to common values, rules and activities.


It’s a demanding commitment, but isn’t it in the requirement that trust is forged?

Sem Director of Walbourg

The Sem boarding school welcomes

more than 250 girls and boys